Making shared mobility possible
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Shared Mobility
This community is the starting point for socializing our mobility.

If you have a vehicle, you can share your rides with family, friends, coworkers/students and/or neighbors.

If you don't have a vehicle, you can find people who are going the same route as you and will be willing to share their vehicle with you.

Why Movando?

We are a collaborative app to unite drivers with space in their vehicles who want to make mobility more efficient.

Additionally, a social contribution will be generated by carrying passengers who want to travel more comfortably, without high costs and creating new bonds of friendship.
Who is Movando for?

It applies to all people in any country in the world:

Drivers can share their routes or ride as passengers in other vehicles, contributing to the environment and mobility.

Passengers can search for a driver who wants to share their ride and travel with greater peace of mind.
Download Movando / Android

Making shared mobility posible
World citizens

© 2024 - 2025 by Movando